(video)= # Video Tutorials ARC provides a number of video tutorials on [our channel on video.vt.edu](https://video.vt.edu/channel/Advanced%2BResearch%2BComputing/ "our channel on video.vt.edu"). In particular, the following sequence walks a user through the fundamentals of ARC usage in less than an hour: (video_login)= ## Login These videos will walk the user through accessing our systems for the first time (and streamlining access for subsequent logins): - [Login with SSH](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Accessing+clusters+from+the+command+line+via+SSH/1_nkojfb72/176584251 "Login with SSH") plus [Using SSH Keys and Agent to simplify logins](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Using+SSH+Keys+and+Agent+to+simplify+logins/1_68mcs8yt/176584251 "Using SSH Keys and Agent to simplify logins"), and/or - [Open OnDemand](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Open+OnDemand+for+Browser-based+Cluster+Access/1_nkp1ebuu/176584251 "Open OnDemand") (video_sw)= ## Accessing Software The following videos will walk the user through accessing software that ARC has installed or through setting up your own packages: - [Using Modules to Access Scientific Software - EasyBuild (TinkerCliffs/Infer) version](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Using+modules+to+access+software+packages+%28EasyBuild+version%29/0_nhj2cdjy/176584251 "EasyBuild (TinkerCliffs) version"), and/or - [Using Modules to Access Scientific Software - Hierarchical (Pre-2020) version](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Using+modules+to+access+software+packages+%28Pre-2020+version%29/1_f8unqdml/176584251 "Hierarchical (Pre-2020) version"), and/or - [Creating Custom Software Modules with EasyBuild](https://video.vt.edu/media/Creating+Custom+Software+Modules+with+EasyBuild/1_et3mu28o "Creating Custom Software Modules with EasyBuild"), and/or - [Manual Install of Custom Software Modules](https://video.vt.edu/media/Building+Custom+Software+Modules+Manually+on+ARC%27s+Resources/1_ylh24w9q "Custom, Manual Install of Custom Software Modules") (video_jobs)= ## Scheduler interaction (job submission) The following will walk the user through the process of submitting interactive jobs for testing/development and batch jobs for production research runs: - [Interactive and Batch Jobs](https://video.vt.edu/media/ARCA+Interactive+and+Batch+Jobs/1_doz5ylqg/176584251 "Interactive and Batch Jobs") Note that these videos require a VT Login to access. Also, each video has a table of contents that can be used to skip between sections; this can be accessed by clicking the "hamburger" (three horizontal bars) button at the top left of the video.