(invest)= (investment)= # Investment Program ## Intent The investment program is for researchers or projects who want dedicated resources from ARC over some period of time: * For long-term (1-5 year) project needs * Reserved compute hardware via dedicated partition (with preemptable overlay) * Expansion of Project or Work via quota increase * Available via MOU If you are less interested in _dedicated_ hardware and just want to use more resources than ARC provides for free -- for example, in bursts before conference deadlines -- you might instead consider the [Cost Center](costcenter). ## Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) An investment Memoradum Of Understanding (MOU) is updated and made available for each new cluster as it comes online. The current MOU covers [TinkerCliffs](tinkercliffs). For example investment MOUs, see below: ```{eval-rst} * `Compute <../mou/mou_compute.pdf>`_ * `Storage <../mou/mou_storage.pdf>`_ ``` % I had to use the rst above since this markdown was not working for some reason % * [Compute](../mou/mou_compute.pdf) % * [Storage](../mou/mou_storage.pdf) ## To Invest If you have interest in learning more about the Investment Computing Program, please submit a [consultation request](https://arc.vt.edu/help). ARC can provide a brief presentation on the Investment Computing program at department meetings or to research teams if desired.